Fame and Glory are ours

Fame and Glory is ours.  Last night Susan and I won our neighborhood’s Seinfeld trivia contest – which was temporarily renamed “Del Boca Vista” for the festivities.   We entered our team’s name as “Crazy Joe Davola and Miss Rhode Island”.  I was Crazy Joe.  To win, we would have to beat the odds-on favorites, a… Continue reading Fame and Glory are ours

The Berardi’s go to Rome

Picture yourself as a popular performer during ancient Roman times: Celenus Dionys, Eltonicus John, or perhaps Mr. Buddy Hatticus, and your agent booked you at the Roman Coliseum after paying your dues in Ephesian dives and resort clubs in Casearia.  Your dressing room would certainly include a private vomitorium (especially if you were Celenus Dionys)… Continue reading The Berardi’s go to Rome